A downloadable Sample of Will's voice

These recordings and art are sloppy, but I believe they show my voice acting potential and some story ideas. This is why I've only invited family, friends, and potential collaborators to this page. Please feel free to share with those you trust but not publicly, yet. I will repost them more publicly when I've improved the production quality. 

And yes these are not the final/ finished version. Example 1- i repeat a couple phrases getting to get the performance right. Example 2- at 2 min into my Dad's navy story, my younger dog does an unscheduled vocal and percussion solo, which won't be part of the final arrangement.

Note- I will detail the copyrights etc at that time- which is another part I need to research.

Also, please comment. The fictional stories I wrote aren't finished, so input on the writing would be appreciated. (The art in the "animatics" is only for planning and visualization, at this stage, and the final illustrations- if any- will be very different)

If you're family, please let me know if you have any privacy concerns about my plan to make these stories public


Prescott's War- by William Monk- rough animatic- 2008- BCC class project.mov 3 MB
Prescott's War- short story and audio by William Monk- 2022.mp3 4 MB
Red Ridinghood- by William Monk- rough animatic- 2008- BCC class project.mov 5 MB
Mary Bliss Parsons- Acquited of Witchcraft- by Daryl Monk- audio by William Monk 5 MB
Magazine Watch on a Tankership in Rough Weather- by Chris Mallock-audio by Willi 3 MB

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