A downloadable elaborate schemings

Spoiler Alert! This is about solving urgent problems together, but it's mostly only a "game" in a metaphorical sense.

#1) There are a lot of big problems that are only getting solved slowly, or not at all.

#2) At the same time, coincidentally, most of us need more fun in our lives!

If we try to prevent and/or repair these global crises with an attitude of "play" then maybe that'll help. Obviously, we really have to solve these problems, together, so let's make it fun! If beating global warming was a video game then half the young kids with smartphones would've beaten it twice by now, right? I mean what makes something count as a "game"? I'm not completely certain, but I do know what a magical thing a story can be, so I'm going to start there.

I hope this endeavor will be a community effort, (similar to the Tony Morrison quote "It takes a Village"), so please consider the page called Invitation to participate and various roles, thanks!

NOTE: Download links will accept a $0 donation... ;)

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